Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Lovely Flight

...pity about the landing

Had a lovely flight this morning, just cruising the Phoenix 2000 around. It was a very cold morning with a few high clouds around making for a great sunrise again.

The moon was up as well, so couldn't resist of taking a photo of the Phoenix doing a lunar fly-past. I would love to take some video, but taking photos is hazardous enough, as you can see from the angle the Phoenix is going at.

Unfortunately a close shave with the moon wasn't the only incident...

As usual when cold it's my fingers start going numb, so after a while I was wanting to bring the Phoenix in. For some reason I couldn't get it low enough - two attempts were aborted for fear of the plane floating into the bank around the field.

The downwind leg for a third attempt ended with the left wing clipping a small tree on the boundary. I've just missed the tree that many times that finally colliding with it is no real surprise. However it was going pretty slow and the tumble caused no issues.

So we live to fly another day...

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