Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Radjet Launch Methodology

...and others of a similar nature

I've been having idle thoughts of procuring a Stinger 64 Jet for my flying pleasure and, as such, have been watching some footage of its flight and launch.One thing which has struck me watching launches of this creature is a twitch to the left a few seconds after it's in the air.

Now, knowing the characteristics of the Radjet (the familiar snap-roll to the left), and imagining similar behaviour from the diminutive Stinger, I surmise this crafty has been launched with right aileron which input, once flight is stabilised, is released, explaining the hint of roll to the left.

This, in turn, suggests to me that I should attempt to employ a similar device on the launch of a Radjet . Now, thus far, my guiding principle has been to minimise the torque reaction from the propellor and therefore circumvent any need for loading up the wings during this critical phase.

However, considering the chequered results of this philosophy, I think I'll conduct an explorative regime of roll-corrected launches to test the effect of said input, as well as any potential deleterious reactions...

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