Monday, 29 September 2014

Radical Dude

...thats hot!

Following on from the successful motor transplant in the Radjet, I wanted to give its very-battered nose a bit of reinforcing, consisting as it did of fragments of foam superglued and bounded by tape, which basically holds everything together. Due to missing bits, however, superglue wasn't really working anymore, however I had a great idea - hot melt!

I have tried this out and it worked brilliantly - basically I have injected all the cavities between the foam pieces full of hot melt which, due to its bulk, fills the voids and bonds everything together. So now the Radjet nose is about as rigid again as it's ever been, although still not quite as pretty as it once was.

I've also wanted an easier way to fit the chubby 4-cell batteries as, in the past, I've had to forcefully ram these into the fuselage. Having some unused hatch hinges and some recently arrived, and long overdue, magnets I've decided to make a battery hatch a bit back from the canopy opening.

So far I've just fitted the hinges to the hatch, then I'll glue this to the fuselage and finally install the magnets, probably hot-melted in place and covered with felt tape to prevent them pulling out.

That will almost complete a substantial overhaul of the high-flying speedster, the last thing it needs in a canopy. If only they stocked spares for the 800...

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