Friday, 30 January 2015

Raptor Glider Unboxing

...high quality with some missing promises

The Raptor glider arrives double boxed and with all the components inside bubble wrapped and bagged and taped in place; in short no likelihood of anything getting scratched or damaged in transit.

The fuselage is very impressive; nicely moulded with a smooth finish and a remarkably curvy shape. The wing mount also looks very secure, with the leading edges of the wings tucked into the fuselage and located with a small pin, and then screwed in place at the trailing edge.

The wings are also nicely covered, and apparently feature GRP reinforcement of the D-box leading edge. I say apparently as no GRP is visible at the wing root and it sounds like balsa when you tap on it, so I'll have to take their word for it.

The wings are also supposed to include "smarty pull-wires" for installing the wing servo extension leads, however these wings seem to be without that handy feature, unfortunately.

Also apparently also lacking are the promised Cunning Simple-Lock Cabin Cover, and the Finished Servo Horn Screw-hole, of which I can find no evidence in either the wings or the tailplanes.

A pity, as these minor annoyances rather spoil the enjoyment of what is a very high quality and well presented ARF package...

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