For a while now the Rarebear’s cowling has looked a little sad, the missing sections of the flimsy plastic article having been poorly patched with fibre tape. So, needing to do a little work on the motor, I decided that enough was enough and dumped the cowling summarily.
As a replacement I first tried a large vitamin bottle which unfortunately turned out to be a little too small, before deciding in the base of a Sodastream bottle. This looked nice and sturdy, and had a little detail on it to add a little style.
It was slightly too big but I trimmed a section from it and then installed it with lashings of hot melt glue. Being careful to align the lower section, once installed I realised that I’d not checked the top which ended up slightly angled and pinching the sliding top section of the fuselage.
Anyway, it was still better than it was, so now to try it out. It turned out to be a very windy although otherwise beautiful afternoon, into which I threw the revamped Rarebear, newly reverted to its original black prop to match the cowling.
In short, the little rarebear flew just as well as ever, seemingly relishing the gusty conditions as it swooped across the field and swung rapidly into the blue sky...
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