Monday, 11 January 2016

Pilatus Turbo Porter PC6. Parachute Drop.

...geronimo !

This morning I tried out the dropping bay of the Art Tech Turbo Porter with a trio of intrepid parachutists.

I had tried dropping before, initially with my car keys which seemed like less of a good idea as I watched them spiralling down through the air for what seemed like ages before they actually hit the ground.

And I tried it again with two paratroopers fresh out the pack. The bay works a treat, but it turns out you have to unpack the parachutes somewhat for it to unfurl. It's been a while since I played with parachute men.

Anyhow, this morning th edrop worked a treat, with the three carefully packed parachutes blossoming open on cue a fraction of a second after I flipped the switch. The wind was a little stronger than I expected, so the chutes drifted scenically across the field.

As it happened, turning the Porter around trying to lose some height in the rather restricted space, I collected one of the parachute party who got snagged onto the wing. I didn't need to search for that one at least...

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