Sunday 27 August 2017

Flitetest X-57. Take 2.

...a long time between drinks

After a long hiatus the X-57 is back in the air and flying OK.

The issue I'd had initially with unbalanced thrust turned out to be only an over-tightened motor mount - backing off a couple of screws was all it took to get the slow motor spinning up to speed.

However, the wings still seem to be generating too much lift, with the X-57 soaring with even modest throttle settings and fairly wanting to loop with anything more than that.

In fact, I had to fly it with negative elevator trim just to try and get it flying level-ish. For my next try I'll use a heavier 4S 3000 to try and even things out a bit.

This may help it fly level and so help to eliminate the problem of the big disparity between power on and power off flight and allow it to glide properly with a bit of airspeed. At the moment when you cut the throttle it stalls which makes trying to land it, well trying...

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