Monday, 2 September 2013

Ridge Flying

...but not terribly successfully

I tried out a bit of ridge flying this afternoon, hoping to get some lift from the gentle southerly blowing up the bank to the sports fields. It's not hugely elevated - perhaps fifteen metres or so, but I was hoping it might be sufficient to generate at least model-sized wave lift.

It was the first afternoon that I've flown the Walrus, in fact I think it's the first time I've flown anything in the afternoon, so I was a little nervous. Warm, breezy...

I launched the Walrus directly onto the ridge and it was immediately apparent that this wasn't going to be an afternoon in the park. Despite the breeze fairly smooth and gentle it still make flying conditions fairly challenging. It also didn't help that there was a large tree just at the edge of the field, in the middle of what would be the optimum ridge flying route.

So I flew the Walrus for a while trying to get some lift but eventually gave it up, any lift that might have been there certainly not compensating for the effort and risk. So I turned back over to the field to end the afternoon's flying in more gentle conditions...

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