The forecast was for a breezy day however the early morning was calm and inviting for a bit of flying. Barely a breath of wind on the ground, the occasional wobbles of the Phoenix 2000's wings indicated the breeze was starting to develop.
I flew the glider in big lazy circuits around the field and over the surrounding farmland, bringing it back in for a few sweeping fly-bys and low-altitude passes.
During one of these low passes I made a late decision to bring the plane in for a landing, but it was going way too fast to stay on the deck. I also misjudged the landing flair, with the combined effect that the Phoenix bumped down then floated back into the air.
With insufficient field left to put it down in, I applied power and took it round again. So a perfect touch and go, nevertheless I don't think I'll be adding that to the standard repertoire...
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