Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Cool Calm & Cloudy

...a chance to fly before the rain arrives in force!

Yesterday was very frustrating. The forecast was hot so, despite a beautifully calm and cool morning, I didn't take the Walrus for fear it might melt in the car during the day. However the hot weather forecasted never happened as a cool chance arrived early, so a perfectly good morning's flying gone to waste.

The calm evening boded well for a delayed opportunity to get into the air. Having waited for the sports practices to end, I eagerly headed out the door with Walrus in hand anticipating an enjoyable half hour of floating Wally around in the sunset. Except, as I stepped out of the door, the gentle breeze turned instantaneously into gusty winds. Turn on heel, unload Walrus and glare annoyedly at waving treetops from inside...

So this morning my expectations were not high with heavy clouds populating the horizon and the treetops moving despite the early hour. Nevertheless, somewhat desperate for the opportunity to catch some air I packed the Walrus and headed off to work.

Climbing out at the field I was delighted to find the breeze gentle and steady, and hints of drizzle on the windscreen happily abeyed. So, battery connected and camera in place, the Walrus headed off to say hello to the cloudy sky...

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