Monday, 2 December 2013

Pastel Shades of Flight

...after a very hot day

As evening approached, the heat abated and winds dropped enough to scramble down the road for a dusk flight.

Clouds had amassed with the dropping temperatures, so the setting sun had a blank canvas on which to display fading pastel hues of orange and pink, a vivid contrast to the increasingly dark grey of the clouds.

The gentle cool breeze was a welcome change from the heat of the day as I let the Walrus loose through the skies in a cathartic display of aerobatics and low-passes across the field. Eventually satiated, I dropped off the power and gently cruised the plane as evening approached until, the light fading I turned the Walrus in on finals.

A typically floaty landing would have rounded off a lovely evening's flying, however I had misjudged the wind direction and had the Walrus side-on to the breeze. This sharply tilted the wings, causing the Walrus to thump onto the turf in one of the worst landings it's had.

There's always something...

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