Monday, 19 May 2014

Stinger 64. Unofficial Unboxing.

...looks good

The Stinger 64 looks like a very good quality package, nicely moulded and with remarkably thin decals which appear almost as if they're sprayed on. However, they are somewhat garish, and I'm not sure that they will be helpful for orienting the speedy jet as I suspect they may work as camouflage. Anyway, we'll find that out soon enough.

The wings are very small compared to the body, in fact I mistook them for the horizontal stabilisers when I saw them first. Which makes me think you'll have to fly this particular plane pretty fast to keep it in the air. And launch it with lots of power!

I've chosen to go with a Zippy 1800mAh 4S 40C battery, instead of a 2200mAh, as I want to give it the best chance of a good first launch - you can always upgrade to a bigger battery later, but it's much harder to make a crashed plane look like new!

The other good feature of the Stinger is that it features plastic hinges for the control surfaces. This may seem unremarkable until you have control surfaces peeled off at high speed, both startling and time consuming to repair, especially if you can'f find the bits that flew off...

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