Saturday, 7 June 2014

More of the Stinger 64

...and still haven't crashed!

I have successfully flown the Stinger 64 twice more since it's first flight, although I'm still getting used to how it flies. I have reduced the aileron travel by ten percent which has helped, although it's still touchy so have subsequently turned it down by another five. 

I've also set the ailerons down by a turn of the clevis; the ailerons have been warped, apparently when the decals were applied, so the edges are lower than the centre. As a result, setting the edges flush with the wing effectively reflexes the aileron, which I think is why I had to fly it with a bit of elevator.

On one occasion, however, it did come agonisingly close to crashing. I can't actually recall the lead-up to the incident, but the Stinger ended up low to the ground, heading straight for the raised field and surrounding trees. I cut power and hit full elevator, hoping at best this might mitigate the impact.

Miraculously, the Stinger swooped up silently, having managed somehow to find a clear passage between the trees. Seeing it flying free and unharmed, I turned on the power and carried on flying, feeling extremely grateful to whomever had provided assisted in skirting disaster...

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