Saturday, 26 July 2014

Canadair 415

...a friend for the Trainstar

Having finally been able to get the Trainstar floatplane launched and flying, even if somewhat crudely, I've been considering getting another water plane for a bit of variety when venturing out to the lakes or dams.

One plane that caught my eye was the Canadair 415 water bomber and, having read a few of the reviews, it comes well recommended and seems easy enough to launch and fly, unlike the Trainstar which is a bit more on the tricky side of things!

One thing I wasn't all that keen on is that the Canadair is only available in ARF form, requiring one to source components. Mainly this is fine, although the motor is my main concern, especially the mounting for both the motor itself and the prop. Anyway, I've followed the description and hope things will work out well, along with a couple of the 25A Plush ESC's which seem to be good.

I'll be running it off the 2200mAh's which I've been using on the Trainstar, and from what I've read that should be quite adequate. The Trainstar, on the other hand, will be upgraded to 2700mAh's to give extended flight time as a result of it's power-hungry nature from its oversized floats.

So, in a week or two we should have a bit more news of what it looks like and how the Canadair goes together...

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