Sunday, 13 July 2014

Seaplane Recovery

...I'll join the boat club

Having done a little research, it seems that watercraft recovery is a whole separate genre - who would have guessed? Some people have recovery frames attached to standard boats while others have custom u-shaped recovery craft to captured capsized boats or planes.

I did some investigation and found that dedicated recovery boats are not readily available, presumably the one's I'd seen had been custom-made. Also, not being familiar with boats, I wasn't really sure what to choose. The obvious choice would have been tugs, but of the two I saw the SeaPort Tugboat seemed more of a pool toy (unless you upgraded all the electronics) while the Atlantic Tug was a eye-watering four hundred dollars.

The other option of an inflatable dinghy was something I'd not considered, but which seems the most cost effective option. Doing some research locally confirmed this, with options of boat and pump at less than a hundred dollars, not bad at all. The benefit of this is allowing retrieval in situations where an RC craft might be stymied, such as a craft stuck in reeds.

I've decided to go with the latter, a two-man inflatable dinghy and an electric inflate-deflate pump, delivered for $92. There you go...

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