Saturday, 7 February 2015

Fox Clouds

...exquisite tranquility

Yesterday evening was a rarity; the gusty weather of the afternoon abated whilst there was sufficient light to fly. Additionally, and most compellingly, the greasy cloud cover of the day have developed into a beautiful array of shapes colours and textures, enough to have me grabbing the Fox glider and heading for the door; delicate balances like this don't last forever.

Despite remnant players from the afternoon cricket match and a boisterous Retriever pup being walked on the field, I decided to get the Fox up so, with a bare minimum of preparation (no pre-flight video!) I had the Fox purring sweetly into the lovely evening sky.

Flying was an absolute joy, scenic and incredibly tranquil; the only detraction was having to cut the flight a little short as, with the field mostly ringed by trees, having enough power on tap to clear them is imperative.

Nevertheless, darkness was encroaching by the time the Fox bumped over the cricket pitch for a landing, and I headed for home with the lingering delight of having experienced something special...

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