Thursday, 19 February 2015

Raptor Glider Build Part 1

...going to plan so far

I had hoped to have the raptor ready for a first-flight today, although that turned out to be overly optimistic.It also turned out very mist at the field, so I wouldn't have flown the Raptor anyway with visibility that poor.

So far I have installed the fuselage linkages and servos, and hooked up the tail surfaces. I have also managed to complete the installation of servos and covers on one wing, including the slightly tricky task of feeding the servo cables through the wing spars. Fortunately, with the generous sized cutouts and and improvised threading tool (control wire with a hooked end) this proved less troublesome than I had anticipated.

One thing worthy of note is that extension cables need to be firmly plugged in, given that the cable has to be pulled past obstructions. After one let go during the process, I taped up the connection with electrical tape to make sure it stayed fast.

So I hope to have the other wing fitted out soon, then I should be able to connect everything up for a functional check. I've set up the V-tail mixing on my radio, (right=rudder, left=elevator) although I still need to check whether either of the controls needs reversing, and to make sure the tail does what it's supposed to...

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